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Oslo, Norway – June 14, 2023 – The President of AmCham South China returned from Oslo where he participated in what may be the most important business meeting since the creation of the United Nations.

挪威奥斯陆,2023年6月14日/ -- 华南美国商会会长从奥斯陆返回,在那里,他参加了自联合国成立以来最重要的商务会议之一。
The UN Global Compact (UNGC), Oslo Business for Peace Foundation (BFP), UN Development Program (UNDP), Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), and the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) invited Dr. Harley Seyedin, Winner of the 2017 Oslo Business for Peace Award together with Elon Musk, Durreen Shahnaz and Murad Al-Katib, to join a small group of 50 international leaders.


These leaders included Deputy Minister of Norway for Foreign Affairs Bjørg Sandkjær, Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) Sanda Ojiambo, Chair of International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Maria Garza, and Business for Peace Foundation Chairman, Per L. Saxegaard at the UN Business Arena (UNBA) Stakeholder Engagement Meeting. 

参加联合国商业发展组织(UNBA)相关方交流会的领袖包括挪威外交部副部长Bjørg Sandkjær、联合国助理秘书长、联合国全球契约组织总干事桑达·奥佳博(Sanda Ojiambo)、国际商会会长Maria Garza、商业促进和平基金会会长柏·萨克思嘉德(Per L. Saxegaard)。

The high-level meeting, held at the scenic Soria Moria Hotel in Oslo, was successfully completed on June 5, 2023. The newly formed UN Business Arena truly represents a vital platform for collaboration and innovation, with the ability to bring together a diverse group of stakeholders to tackle the world's most pressing challenges.
The UN Business Arena is a global platform co-created through strategic partnerships between the Oslo Business for Peace Foundation (BFP), International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), UN Global Compact (UNGC), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI). UN Business Arena will hold its inaugural event in 2024.

Upon the conclusion of the meetings, Henrik Friis de Magalhães e Meneses, Head of Secretariat of UN Business Arena said, “We are thrilled to announce the successful completion of the High-Level Meeting of the UN Business Arena, where global leaders came together to ignite collaborative action and determine the thematic focus for the UN Business Arena ahead of its inaugural event in 2024.” 

会议结束后,联合国商业发展组织秘书长亨利克·弗里斯·代·马加良斯·埃·梅内塞斯(Henrik Friis de Magalhães e Meneses)表示:"我们很高兴宣布此次高水平联合国商业发展组织会议圆满结束,全球领袖汇聚一堂,激发合作潜能,为2024年联合国商业发展组织首届活动敲定主题。"

De Magalhães e Meneses said the newly formed UN organization desires to be a passionate advocate for a better world. “We believe in the power of collaboration, innovation, and collective action to drive transformative change for peace and sustainable development. Our community is made up of diverse individuals, including businesses, governments, and civil society organizations, who share a common vision: to create a more equitable, resilient, and sustainable future. Together, we are redefining the role of the private sector in shaping the global agenda. Through our unique approach, we facilitate open business diplomacy, advocate for responsible investment, promote sustainable energy solutions, champion sustainable food systems, and foster peace and dialogue. We believe that by aligning the interests and expertise of diverse stakeholders, we can create a more equitable, resilient, and sustainable world. Connect with us to stay updated on our initiatives, engage in meaningful discussions, and collaborate on transformative projects. Let's build a better world together,” de Magalhães e Meneses added.

代·马加良斯·埃·梅内塞斯(de Magalhães e Meneses)表示,新成立的联合国组织旨在倡导建设一个更加美好的世界。"我们相信合作、创新与共同行动的力量,能够推动和平与可持续发展的变革。我们的社会是由包括企业、政府和民间社会组织等多元个体组成的,他们都拥有一个共同愿景:创造一个更加公平、更具韧性和更加可持续的未来。我们正在重新定义私营部门在塑造全球议程中的作用。通过我们独特的方法,我们将推动开放的商业外交,倡导负责任投资,推动可持续能源解决方案,倡导可持续食品系统,并促进和平与对话。我们相信,通过协调不同领域相关方的利益与专业知识,我们能够创造一个更加公平、更具韧性和更加可持续的世界。与我们保持联系,了解倡议的最新动态,加入有意义的讨论,参与具有变革意义的合作项目。让我们携手创建一个更加美好的世界。" 代·马加良斯·埃·梅内塞斯(de Magalhães e Meneses)补充道。
As a former Oslo Business for Peace Award winner, Dr. Harley Seyedin reported on the decisions of his breakout group on energy conversation and climate change. His group proposed a plan to be promoted jointly by all stakeholders as a unified approach by all countries to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. At the meeting Dr. Seyedin presented the views of many individuals he had solicited prior to the meeting.

An Award Committee of Nobel Laureates in peace and economics selects the Oslo Business for Peace Award recipients. The task of appointing a new member to the Award committee has been given to former Swedish prime minister Göran Persson, former Norwegian prime minister Kjell Magne Bondevik, and the former director of the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) Kristian Berg Harpviken.

商业促和平奖获奖者的遴选是由诺贝尔和平奖及经济奖评审委员会完成的。瑞典前任首相约兰·佩尔松(Göran Persson)、挪威前任首相谢尔·马格纳·邦德维克(Kjell Magne Bondevik)、奥斯陆和平研究所前任所长克里斯蒂安·伯格·哈普威金(Kristian Berg Harpviken)负责任命诺贝尔和平奖及经济奖评审委员会新成员。 

The discussions were inspiring, shedding light on the crucial role of the private sector in creating positive change. Dr. Seyedin said that with the support of the UN system and the private sector, the UN Business Arena will provide a great impetus for transformative changes and will serve as a crucial platform for multilateral exchanges. This collaboration will contribute to the cause of sustainability and peace.
The opening of the Inaugural Planning Meeting of the UN Business Arena received domestic and international media coverage from: 


About the American Chamber of Commerce in South China

The American Chamber of Commerce in South China (AmCham South China) is a non-partisan, non-profit organization dedicated to facilitating bilateral trade between the United States and the People’s Republic of China. Accredited in 1995 by the US Chamber of Commerce in Washington DC, AmCham South China represents more than 2,300 corporate and individual members, is governed by a fully-independent Board of Governors elected from its membership, and provides dynamic, on-the-ground support for American and international companies doing business in South China. Over the past decade, AmCham South China has hosted on average each year more than 10,000 business executives and government leaders from around the world at its briefings, seminars, committee meetings and social gatherings. All AmChams in China are independently governed and represent member companies in their respective regions.


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