AmCham South China

The American Chamber of Commerce in South China (AmCham South China) is a non-partisan, non-profit organization dedicated to facilitating bilateral trade between the United States and the People’s Republic of China. Certified in 1995 by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in Washington, D.C., AmCham South China represents more than 2,300 corporate and individual members, is governed by a fully-independent Board of Governors elected from its membership, and provides dynamic, on-the-ground support for American and International companies doing business in South China. In 2010, AmCham South China hosted nearly 10,000 business executives and government leaders from around the world at its briefings, seminars, committee meetings and social gatherings.


The International Winter Ball

18:45-Mid night

November 23rd , 2024

2024年十一月二十三日 星期六

LN Garden Hotel Guangzhou


  • Over 20 years the Most Glamorous Event of the Year
  • Over 500 Well-Dressed Who-Is-Who of South China C-Suite Executives
  • Over 1,000,000 RMB in Door Prizes
  • Dozens of Senior Government Officials
  • Over 40 Consuls General of Foreign Countries
  • All-Night Music, Fine Wines and Drinks, Great Food
  • Fabulous Bands, DJ, Dance till you drop
  • Showcase your business to those who count
  • Be there, Be Seen, Be an Elite and Be a Supersta

Over 20 years, AmCham Spring Ball and Winter Ball has been AmCham South China's most glamorous signature events in the Greater Bay Area that never ceases to put on a blockbuster, attracting more than 500 well-dressed guests in attendance. It is perfectly okay if you can't help feeling astounded when you see on the guest list are all the foreign Consuls General in Guangzhou, Directors General of provincial departments of commerce in South China, and c-suite executives at multinationals. What cannot be missed is, of course, the grand raffle prizes we will be giving out at the Ball –in value of over RMB1,000,000!

Are you ready to brace our international Spring Ball and meet with the senior business executives and leaders from different countries on November 23rd, 2024 at the fabulous LN Garden Hotel Guangzhou?


2024年十一月二十三日 于广州花园酒店盛大举行的舞会,您准备好了吗?

Please contact AmCham office for more details:


Ms. Rachel Leung


Tel: (86 20) 8335 1476 Extension 37 / 20

Sponsors and Partners

Corporate Table Jazz 企业包桌 Standard Price RMB10,800

- Free flow of cocktail reception
- Company logo on the table
- 10-Seat table in this category(Jazz Area, First Come, First Served)

- 鸡尾酒会
- 企业标志在包桌显示
- 十人圆桌西式晚宴 (Jazz区域位置,先到先得)

Standard PriceRMB 10,800

Corporate Table Pop 企业包桌 Standard Price RMB 14,800

- Free flow of cocktail reception
- Company logo on the table
- 10-Seat table in this category(Pop Area, First come, first served)

- 鸡尾酒会
- 企业标志在包桌显示
- 十人圆桌西式晚宴((Pop 区域位置,先到先得)

Standard PriceRMB 14,800

Corporate Table Classical 企业包桌 Stadard Price RMB18,800

- Free flow of cocktail reception
- Company brochures display during cocktail reception
- Company logo on the table
- 10-Seat table in this category (Classical Area, First come, first served)

- 鸡尾酒会
- 酒会现场企业宣传册展示
- 企业标志在包桌显示
- 十人圆桌西式晚宴(Classical 区域位置,先到先得)

Standard PriceRMB 18,800

Diamond Sponsor 钻石级赞助 300,000 RMB

Company logo exposure:
- on the head table
- on tickets, programs, live-stream photo frame, event EDM and post-event write-ups
- on main backdrop during cocktail reception
- Logo with spot light displaying during cocktail section
- on stage screens inside grand ballroom (rotating slides)
Other benefits:
- Company video display during cocktail reception
- 2 VIPs seating with AmCham President
- One head table for ten people
- MC significant verbal acknowledgement
- One single booth table display of company brochures/materials
- Company brochures to be displayed on guest seats
- one ad page on AmCham SCBJ
- Exclusive photographer service
- 最前排主桌
- 企业标志出现在门票、节目单、酒会现场拍照相框、活动推广邮件、后续活动报道
- 酒会主背景板
- 酒会期间聚光灯循环投射企业标志
- 宴会期间屏幕循环播放
- 企业标志显示在主入口处座位图
- 企业视频于酒会期间播放
- 两位贵宾名额与美商会会长于主桌就座
- 前排十人主桌一围
- 主持人在活动中向来宾着重介绍
- 独立资料展示区域
- 美商会月刊《华南商务快讯》内一页广告(发行量为每月7000册)
- 企业宣传册于所有来宾座位上摆放
- 独家专业摄影师跟拍

Standard PriceRMB 300,000

Gold Sponsor 黄金级赞助 RMB50,000

Company logo exposure:
- on the table
- on tickets, programs, event EDM and post-event write-ups
- on main backdrop during cocktail reception
- on stage screens inside grand ballroom (rotating slides)
Other benefits:
- Company video display during cocktail reception
- The best available 10-seat front row table in this category (First come, first served)
- MC verbal acknowledgement
- Company brochures display during cocktail reception
- 前排包桌
- 门票、节目单、活动推广邮件、后续活动报道
- 酒会主背景板
- 宴会期间屏幕循环播放
- 企业视频于酒会期间播放
- 该级别可选座位之中10人包桌一围(先到先得)
- 主持人在活动中向来宾介绍
- 酒会现场企业宣传册展示

Standard PriceRMB 50,000

Platinum Sponsor 白金级赞助 100,000 RMB

Company logo exposure:
- on the table
- on tickets, programs, event EDM and post-event write-ups
- on main backdrop during cocktail reception
- on stage screens inside grand ballroom (rotating slides)
Other benefits:
- Company video display during cocktail reception
- The best available 10-seat front row table in this category (First come, first served)
- MC significant verbal acknowledgement
- One single booth table display of company brochures/materials
- One ad page on AmCham SCBJ
- 前排包桌
- 门票、节目单、活动推广邮件、后续活动报道
- 酒会主背景板
- 宴会期间屏幕循环播放
- 企业标志显示在主入口处座位图
- 企业视频于酒会期间播放
- 该级别可选座位之中10人包桌一围(先到先得)
- 主持人在活动中向来宾介绍
- 独立资料展示区域
- 美商会月刊《华南商务快讯》内一页广告(发行量为每月7000册)

Standard PriceRMB 100,000



Guangzhou City, China

Contact us

For additional event or venue information, please email events-a@amcham-southchina.orgYou can also reach us at +86 83351476

See route