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Diamond Sponsor 钻石级赞助 300,000RMB

Company logo exposure:
- on the head table
- on tickets, programs, photo frame, event EDM and post-event write-ups
- on main backdrop during cocktail reception
- Logo with spot light displaying during cocktail section
- on stage screens inside grand ballroom (rotating slides)
Other benefits:
- One head table for ten people
- MC significant verbal acknowledgement
- One single booth table display of company brochures/materials
- Company brochures to be displayed on guest seats
- one ad page on AmCham SCBJ
- Exclusive photo e-album of the ball
- Exclusive photographer service
- 最前排主桌
- 企业标志出现在门票、节目单、酒会现场拍照相框、活动推广邮件、后续活动报道
- 酒会主背景板
- 酒会期间聚光灯循环投射企业标志
- 宴会期间屏幕循环播放
- 企业标志显示在主入口处座位图
- 前排十人主桌一围
- 主持人在活动中向来宾着重介绍
- 独立资料展示区域
- 美商会月刊《华南商务快讯》内一页广告(发行量为每月7000册)
- 企业宣传册于所有来宾座位上摆放
- 独家电子相册或光碟
- 独家专业摄影师跟拍

Individual Ticket
  • Standard PriceRMB 300,000

Platinum Sponsor 白金级赞助 150,000 RMB

Company logo exposure:
- on the table
- on tickets, programs, event EDM and post-event write-ups
- on main backdrop during cocktail reception
- on stage screens inside grand ballroom (rotating slides)
Other benefits:
- The best available 10-seat front row table in this category (First come, first served)
- MC significant verbal acknowledgement
- Company brochures displayed at significant area during cocktail reception
- half ad page on AmCham SCBJ
- Exclusive photo e-album of the ball
- 前排包桌
- 门票、节目单、活动推广邮件、后续活动报道
- 酒会主背景板
- 宴会期间屏幕循环播放
- 企业标志显示在主入口处座位图
- 该级别可选座位之中10人包桌一围(先到先得)
- 主持人在活动中向来宾介绍
- 美商会月刊《华南商务快讯》内半页广告(发行量为每月7000册)
- 企业宣传册展示
- 独家春季舞会电子相册或光碟

Individual Ticket
  • Standard PriceRMB 150,000

Gold Sponsor 黄金级赞助 RMB50,000

Company logo exposure:
- on the table
- on tickets, programs, event EDM and post-event write-ups
- on main backdrop during cocktail reception
- on stage screens inside grand ballroom (rotating slides)
Other benefits:
- one front row table in this category
- MC verbal acknowledgement
- Company brochures displayed at significant area during cocktail reception
- 前排包桌
- 门票、节目单、活动推广邮件、后续活动报道
- 酒会主背景板
- 宴会期间屏幕循环播放
- 前排10人包桌一围(先到先得)
- 主持人在活动中向来宾介绍
- 企业宣传册展示

Individual Ticket
  • Standard PriceRMB 50,000

Corporate Table Sponsor 企业包桌: 15,000 RMB

- Free flow of cocktail reception
- Company logo on the table
- 10-Seat table in this category (First come, first served)

- 鸡尾酒会
- 企业标志在包桌显示
- 十人圆桌西式晚宴

Individual Ticket
  • Standard PriceRMB 15,000