


Time: 8:00-15:35, Wednesday, September 11th, 2024

Venue: AMAZON Training Room, 15th Floor, China Resources Landing Building, Building B, No. 3 Kefa Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province


地点:广东省深圳市南山区科发路3号华润置地大厦B座15楼 亚马逊培训教室

Simultaneous interpretation will be provided for all sessions. Seating is limited for participants attending in person and registration is required.  For participants in China who wish to attend virtually, participants can also register to watch the seminars as live webinars (live streaming link will be announced in days before the event).  Event is free of Charge.


On September 11th in Shenzhen, join us for a one-day FREE training seminar for ecommerce suppliers conducted by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, SPEAC, and the General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China (GACC). The morning seminar, 8:30am to 12:00pm, will focus on detection and management of unsafe consumer goods to ecommerce. The afternoon seminar, 1:15pm to 3:35pm, will provide detailed information for suppliers exporting to the United States and cover requirements for toys, magnets, button cell and coin batteries, and holiday and seasonal lights. We are also very fortunate that we will hear also from GACC.

The deadline to register for this program is on September 9th, 2024 at 14:00 pm (China time). Registration is only validated upon receiving the event confirmation QR code.

For more information, please contact AmCham South China office at 8620-83351476.

在此诚挚邀请您参加9月11号在深圳为电子商务供应商举办的消费品安全培训。在此次的培训中,来自美国消费品安全委员会、中欧消费品安全提升、中华人民共和国海关总署的专业人士将为电子商务供应商带来一整天免费的专业培训。上午场(8:30 am-12:00 am)主要讨论如何发现和管理电子商务中的不安全消费品,下午场(1:15pm to 3:35pm)将为出口到美国的供应商带来一系列详细的精彩分享,包括玩具,磁铁,钮扣电池和节日彩灯的规定。我们也将有幸聆听到中国海关总署官员的精彩发言。



Please scan the below QR Code to watch the live-streaming.



08:00 - 08:30
Guests Arrival/Registration/ Meet and Greet (Hosts/Speakers/VIP) 来宾到场/注册/欢迎(东道主/演讲者/嘉宾)
08:30 - 08:50
Session 1: Welcome and Introduction 第一场:欢迎和介绍
- Dr. Harley Seyedin, President, AmCham South China华南美国商会会长哈利·赛亚丁博士- Mr. Yu Jianhua, Miniser of...
- Dr. Harley Seyedin, President, AmCham South China

- Mr. Yu Jianhua, Miniser of General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China (prerecorded remarks by video)
中华人民共和国海关总署署长 俞建华(录像视频致辞)

- Mr. Alexander Hoehn-Saric, Chair, U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (prerecorded remarks by video)
美国消费品安全委员会主席 亚历山大·霍恩-萨力克先生(录像视频致辞)

- Mr. Didier Reynders, Commissioner for Justice, European Commission (prerecorded remarks by video)
欧盟委员会欧盟司法事务专员 迪迪埃·雷恩德斯先生 (录像视频致辞)

- Director or Vice Director of Department of Commodity Inspection of General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China
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08:50 - 09:30
Session 2: China's Introduction to the Quality and Safety Risk Monitoring of Cross-Border E-Commerce 第二场:中方介绍产品质量和如何对跨境电商贸易的安全风险进行监督
Pending 待定
09:30 - 10:10
Session 3: Overview – Detection and Management of Unsafe Products in E-Commerce 第三场:概述 – 如何发现和管理电子商务中的不安全产品
This session will discuss the safety of consumer products sold via e-commerce. During this ses...
This session will discuss the safety of consumer products sold via e-commerce. During this session, speakers will discuss CPSC’s legal framework and how it applies to products sold online. This session will also cover CPSC’s enforcement activities and how a supplier or buyer can be confident that their products will pass U.S. authorities’ market surveillance.

Presenters: Ms. Carolyn Manley and Mr. Steve Williams, Program Managers, CPSC
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10:10 - 10:50
Session 4: E-commerce and Market Surveillance in the EU 第四场:欧洲电子商务和市场监督
This session will discuss how EU authorities conduct market surveillance on consumer products s...
This session will discuss how EU authorities conduct market surveillance on consumer products sold via e-commerce, and and how they respond to safety issues.

Presenter: Francisco Verdera - Key Expert, SPEAC
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10:50 - 11:00
Break 休息
11:00 - 11:30
Session 5: CPSC Recalls and Selected Case Studies 第五场:美国消费品安全委员会产品召回最新信息以及特选产品召回案例分析
This session will cover the potential hazards and risks associated with various consumer produc...
This session will cover the potential hazards and risks associated with various consumer products and the best manufacturing practices to avoid safety issues.

Presenter: Mr. Steve William and Carolyn Manely, Program Managers, CPSC
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11:30 - 12:00
Session 6: EU Safety Gate Updates: Latest Data and Selected Case Studies 第六场:欧盟安全门警报系统最新信息:最新数据以及特选案例分析
This session will provide updates on the Safety Gates alert system. During this session you wi...
This session will provide updates on the Safety Gates alert system. During this session you will receive latest data and case studies concerning dangerous products notified in the EU’s Safety Gate.

Presenter: Francisco Verdera - Key Expert, SPEAC
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12:00 - 13:15
Break 休息
13:15 - 13:20
Session 7: Review Morning Sessions & Questions/Answers 第七场: 上午场会议内容回顾和问答
13:20 - 14:00
Session 8: Requirements for Toys, Magnets, Button Cell Batteries, and Seasonal Lighting 第八场: 玩具,磁铁,钮扣电池和节日彩灯的规定
During the session, CPSC will describe the background and purpose of these requirements and wha...
During the session, CPSC will describe the background and purpose of these requirements and what products are included. The presentation will also cover the potential hazards and risks associated with these products and how to test and certify products to avoid safety issues.

Presenter: Ms. Carolyn Manley and Steve Williams, Program Managers, CPSC
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14:00 - 14:40
Session 9: EC Updates in Toy Requirements and Electrical Products 第九场:欧盟玩具和电器产品规定更新
This session will focus on European’s new product safety requirements for toys and electrical p...
This session will focus on European’s new product safety requirements for toys and electrical products.

Presenter: Liu Kaiming - Key Expert, SPEAC
演讲者:中欧消费品安全提升核心专家 刘开明
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14:40 - 14:50
Break 休息
14:50 - 15:30
Session 10: Panel Discussion: Product Trends and Lessons Learned to Supply Safety Products 第十场:专题讨论会: 产品趋势和安全产品供应经验教训
This interactive panel session will provide information from the viewpoint of staff from the U....
This interactive panel session will provide information from the viewpoint of staff from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, European Commission and SAMR on product trends. Speakers will describe how the industry works in effective cooperation with CPSC and EC on safety issues of mutual concern and the audience will be given an opportuntiy to ask questions. The discussion will also cover the frequent questions about whether the same safe products can be exported to both the U.S. and Europe without changes.

Moderator: Jerry Liu, Vice President, Masco Aisa (Shenzhen) Co., LTD.
主持人:马斯科亚洲采购服务(深圳)有限公司副总裁 刘彦

Panelists: State Administration for Market Regulation of China (SAMR) Representative (TBD), China Toy and Juvenile Products Association (CTJPA) Representative (TBD), the Secretary General, Ms. Zhang Xihui, Secretary-General of the E-commerce Integrity Construction Working Committee of China Association for Consumer Products Quality and Safety Promotion, and Director of Shenzhen E-Business Better Service Centre, Ms. Carolyn Manley, Steve Williams, and Francisco Verdera, SPEAC, and Liu Kaiming, SPEAC
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15:30 - 15:35
Closing Remarks 闭幕致辞


  • Carolyn Manley 卡罗琳•曼利 (International Program Manager, Southeast Asia Office of International Programs, U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission  美国消费品安全委员会 国际项目办公室 国际项目东南亚事务经理)

    Carolyn Manley 卡罗琳•曼利

    International Program Manager, Southeast Asia Office of International Programs, U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission 美国消费品安全委员会 国际项目办公室 国际项目东南亚事务经理

    Carolyn Manley is CPSC’s Southeast Asia Program Manager. Prior to joining the Office of International Programs, she served as the Assistant Division Director for the Regulatory Enforcement Division, in the Office of Compliance and Field Operations. Mrs. Manley oversaw and managed the Children’s Products and Durable Nursery Products and Flammability Team at the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, a post that she held since 2009. Mrs. Manley joined the Commission in November 2001, as a Compliance Officer on the Children’s Product Team, where she was then responsible for investigating potentially defective non-regulated and violative regulated consumer products. Mrs. Manley is regarded as a subject matter expert in the enforcement of voluntary and mandatory regulations for children’s products. Mrs. Manley has represented CPSC and participated on panels at Toy Fair, trade shows and international forums, such as The International Consumer Product Health and Safety Organization (ICPHSO). Mrs. Manley has also conducted various training forums, including a mission in Southeast Asia - Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; and Phnom Penh, Cambodia, training industry representatives involved in exporting consumer products (furniture and apparel) to the United States.

    Prior to joining CPSC, Mrs. Manley worked in the private sector where she held positions in management and marketing; she also previously managed the daily operations of CPSC’s Hotline.



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  • Francisco VERDERA 弗朗西斯科·维尔德拉 (Key Expert, SPEAC 中欧消费品安全提升项目核心专家)

    Francisco VERDERA 弗朗西斯科·维尔德拉

    Key Expert, SPEAC 中欧消费品安全提升项目核心专家

    Francisco VERDERA is Key Expert in the SPEAC project (Safe non-food consumer Products in the EU and China) in China. He has more than 25 years of experience in European legislation linked with harmonisation in the Single Market and Consumer protection issues, he has been member of the CEN and CENELEC Technical Boards, ISO Technical Management Board (TMB) and IEC Standardisation Management Board (SMB) for many years.

    He is a former Director Strategic Partnerships of the European Standardization bodies, CEN and CENELEC. He has also been Consultant for knowledge sharing on Market Surveillance, on ICT tools for Market Surveillance, and on Cooperation of Market Surveillance authorities with Customs Authorities.

    弗朗西斯科·维尔德拉(Francisco VERDERA)是SPEAC-中欧消费品安全提升项目的核心专家。他在欧盟单一市场协调立法方面以及消费者保护方面拥有超过 25 年的经验。多年来他一直是欧洲标准化委员会(CEN) 和 欧洲电工标准化委员会(CENELEC) 技术委员会、国际标准化组织(ISO) 技术管理委员会和国际电工委员会( IEC) 标准化管理委员会的成员。

    他曾担任欧洲标准化委员会 (CEN) 和欧洲电工标准化委员会( CENELEC) 的战略合作伙伴关系总监。他还曾担任顾问就市场监管、市场监督信息和通信技术工具以及市场监督机构与海关合作方面进行知识分享。

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  • Helen Zhang 张喜会 (Secretary-General of E-commerce Integrity Construction Working Committee of China Association for Consumer Products Quality and Safety Promotion; Director of Shenzhen E-Business Better Service Centre 中国消费品质量安全促进会电子商务诚信建设工作委员会秘书长、深圳市众信电子商务交易保障促进中心主任)

    Helen Zhang 张喜会

    Secretary-General of E-commerce Integrity Construction Working Committee of China Association for Consumer Products Quality and Safety Promotion; Director of Shenzhen E-Business Better Service Centre 中国消费品质量安全促进会电子商务诚信建设工作委员会秘书长、深圳市众信电子商务交易保障促进中心主任

    Helen Zhang, Senior Standardization Engineer, is the Secretary-General of the E-commerce Integrity Construction Working Committee of China Association for Consumer Products Quality and Safety Promotion, and the Director of Shenzhen E-Business Better Service Centre.

    She serves as a member of the Digital Commerce Industry Standards Committee of the Ministry of Commerce and a registered international expert of ISO/TC290, ISO/TC154, and ISO/PC317.

    She has been committed to the analysis and research of the development of emerging industries such as e-commerce and cross-border e-commerce, the Internet, and the digital economy, as well as related policy strategies, and standard systems. She has also been dedicated to the implementation of public and professional services such as the construction of a trusted transaction environment for e-commerce and cross-border e-commerce. She has presided over and promoted several major national or local research projects and pilot projects, possesses rich operational and service experience in the e-commerce and cross-border e-commerce industry, and has a strong influence in the e-commerce and cross-border e-commerce industry in Shenzhen.




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  • Jerry Liu 刘彦 (Vice President, Masco Aisa (Shenzhen) Co., LTD. 马斯科亚洲采购服务(深圳)有限公司 副总裁)

    Jerry Liu 刘彦

    Vice President, Masco Aisa (Shenzhen) Co., LTD. 马斯科亚洲采购服务(深圳)有限公司 副总裁

    A goal oriented and results driving leader with proven ability to achieve business objectives by getting things done through others. Grown up in China and educated in US with two master’s degrees. 28 years of working experiences including P&L responsibility as General Manager and Vice President from Fortune 500 US companies.

    2019/10-Present: VP Operations, Masco Asia, Masco Corporation
    2016/10-2019/09: Vice President, Strategic Sourcing, Terex Corporation
    2012/04-2016/10: General Manager, Terex Corporation
    2010/10-2012/3: General Manager, Underground Mining, Caterpillar Corporation (Terex Sold Mining to CAT)
    2005/02-2010/09: Vice President, Terex Material Processing & Mining, Terex Corporation
    1999/09-2005/01: Director of Lean Manufacturing, Parker Aerospace, Parker Hannifin Corporation
    1995/05-1999/08: Assistant Manager, Toyota North America, Toyota Corporation

    MBA, University of Kentucky (1992-1995)
    M.S Biology, University of Kentucky (1987-1991)
    B.S Plant Biology, Beijing Forest University (1982-1982)

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  • Kaiming Liu 刘开明 (Key Expert, SPEAC 中欧消费品安全提升项目核心专家)

    Kaiming Liu 刘开明

    Key Expert, SPEAC 中欧消费品安全提升项目核心专家

    Dr. Kaiming Liu is a Nanjing University alumnus with over 30 years of experience in academia, journalism, and the private sector. He specializes in product safety, sustainable development and labor rights. Currently, he is a key expert in the EU-funded SPEAC project, focused on improving product safety and market compliance for Chinese manufacturers and exporters. His work is dedicated to enhancing the safety and compliance of products for EU consumers, playing a crucial role in aligning Chinese production with EU market requirements.


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  • Steve Williams 卫斯文 (International Program Manager, China Office of International Programs, U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission 美国消费品安全委员会 国际项目办公室 国际项目中国事务主管)

    Steve Williams 卫斯文

    International Program Manager, China Office of International Programs, U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission 美国消费品安全委员会 国际项目办公室 国际项目中国事务主管

    Steve Williams joined the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission in December 2014 to serve as an International Program Manager. In this role, he works as part of a team responsible for the Consumer Product Safety Commission's engagement with foreign governments and manufacturers, as well as with international organizations involved in consumer product safety.

    Steve’s regional focus is China and cooperative partnerships. He works with product safety regulators in China in efforts to improve product safety throughout the supply chain. He also provides guidance on U.S. consumer product safety requirements to Chinese manufacturers and industry organizations.

    Before joining the CPSC, Steve was a Deputy Director of the Trade Agreements program at the U.S. Department of Commerce, International Trade Administration. Steve participated in trade agreement negotiations, as well as outreach and training for the U.S. and international business community, particularly small businesses.

    卫斯文2014年12月加入美国消费品安全委员会, 担任国际项目经理职务。他是美国消费品安全委员会负责与外国政府和制造商以及国际组织在消费品问题上接触和沟通的团队成员之一。

    卫斯文的工作重点是中国以及发展与中国的的合作伙伴关系。他和中国消费品安全监管官员一起, 致力于从供应链起改善消费品安全。他还向中国的制造商以及工业界就美国的消费品安全规定提供指导。


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AMAZON Training Room

15th Floor, China Resources Landing Building, Building B, No. 3 Kefa Road, Nanshan District
Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China

If you have any questions please contact Office AmCham

Contact Organizer

+86 2083351476

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