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Save the dateAugust 13 - 31, 2020 GMT+8
Organizer: CPSC,
Contact Person: Wing Xian
2020 Podcast Series-ep.6 2020播客系列(六)
2020 Podcast Series-ep.6 2020播客系列(六)

Overview of U.S. Carriage & Stroller Requirements 美国婴儿车和婴儿推车的定义和规定

Carriages and Strollers. Check out the latest podcast episode of the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission for manufacturers, product developers, and designersSpecific topicsin this episodewill include definition of carriages and strollers, requirements, including product registration and labeling requirements, and regulations regarding third party testing and certification for children's products under the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act.


Most reputable organizations in the manufacture and retail distribution chain work hard to get product safety right. We hope your organization will consider passing on this information to and encouraging professionals with whom you are associated to review the material. The FREE podcast can be downloaded at user convenience and includes a special English and Chinese slide deck, and Chinese narration. We invite you to check it out on AmCham website. This podcast is the sixth of seven CPSC episodes will release this year on consumer safety products posing significant hazard and risk. If you wish to be added to notices of podcast releases, as they become available, please contact Ms. Wing Xian, with a cc to               

 制造,零售和分销等环节的大多数有良好声誉的组织为生产安全产品而努力。我们期望你们机构将这一信息传达给与你们共事的专业人士。您可以免费收看我们的播客,并随时下载包括英文版本和带叙述的中文版本Powerpoint幻灯片。我们欢迎您在此点击收看:(华南美国商会网站).  我们这一播客是美国消费品安全委员会今年出版的阐述构成重大危害和风险的消费品安全七集播客系列之。如果您希望收到我们今后的播客出版预告,可以将您的联系信息电邮给Wing Xian女士,电邮地址,并抄送

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