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Save the dateJune 16, 202014:30 - 15:15 GMT+10 Add to Calendar
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2:30pm-3:15pm June 16th, 2020 (GMT+8 BJ)

2020年6月16日下午 2:30 -3:15 (北京时间)

US and China have signed the Phase One Trade Agreement, in which intellectual property protection is a major part. China has committed to enhancing intellectual property protection and enforcement in the Agreement. Recent court decisions and police actions have showed that China is trying to fulfill its commitments. It's a good time for the US companies to take this opportunity and fight intellectual property infringements more aggressively as priorities shall be given to the US intellectual property owners in the coming months and hopefully years.


In this webinar, we will share with you some of the best practices in protecting trademarks and trade secrets in China. The enforcement system in China can be complicated and sometimes confusing to people who don't have a lot of experiences in dealing with the system. It would only work efficiently and effectively if you find the right approach and apply the best strategy. Our firsthand experience will help you understand what works and what should be avoided.


We would like to keep the webinar as inactive as possible, you will have opportunities to ask questions and get straightforward answers from the speaker.


Topics to be covered:

  • A general introduction on IP enforcement system in China
  • Trademark protection: administrative, criminal, or civil? Pros & Cons of different approaches
  • Trade secret: What can be protected? How to protect? What we can do when trade secret is compromised?
  • Case study
  • Q&A


  • 中国知识产权执法体系概述
  • 商标保护:行政,刑事或民事?不同方法的利弊
  • 商业机密:什么可以保护?如何保护?商业机密遭到泄露后我们该怎么办?
  • 案例分析
  • 问答环节

About WANHUIDA Intellectual Property

WANHUIDA Intellectual Property is a leading IP firm with over 470 attorneys and supporting staff working in all of the major IP hubs in China, including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hong Kong, Hangzhou, Tianjin and a few other major cities. We offer comprehensive services from trademark/patent/copyright filing, prosecution, enforcement, litigation, portfolio management and general consulting on intellectual property issues. Our major clients include many multinational companies and domestic industry leaders, and we also serve over a thousand SMEs. WANHUIDA has been ranked a Tier One IP firm in China by all of the mainstream IP media, domestic and international.

  • Dr. Harley Seyedin (President, AmCham South China; President, Allelon Energy Partners; Visiting Scholar Jinan University)

    Dr. Harley Seyedin

    President, AmCham South China; President, Allelon Energy Partners; Visiting Scholar Jinan University

  • David Buxbaum (Senior Partner, Anderson & Anderson, LLP)

    David Buxbaum

    Senior Partner, Anderson & Anderson, LLP

  • Jason Yao (Partner, Management Committee Member at Wanhuida Intellectual Property)

    Jason Yao

    Partner, Management Committee Member at Wanhuida Intellectual Property

  • Zheng Feng (Janet) (Partner at Wanhuida Intellectual Property)

    Zheng Feng (Janet)

    Partner at Wanhuida Intellectual Property

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