Event Details/活动详情

Time: 14:15-16:30, Wednesday, June 19th, 2024

Venue: Room 2105, 21/F, Novel Park Building 2, 4078 Dongbin Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen



  • Free of Charge. Members Priority. Only 10 Seats Available. This event is limited to 1 representative per company.
  • The deadline to register for this program is on June 17th at 14:00 pm (China time). Registration is only validated upon receiving the event confirmation QR code. As seats are limited, AmCham South China reserves the right of final confirmation.
  • Please note this event will be in Chinese & English and is off the record.

  • 免费参加,美商会会员优先,仅限10个名额,每家公司限1名代表参会。
  • 报名截止时间为2024年6月17日下午两点。收到活动确认二维码,方视为报名成功。由于名额有限,华南美国商会保留最终确认的权利。
  • 此次活动语言为中英文,不允许公开引用和报道。

On May 14, 2024, the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) announced the conclusion of its statutorily-required four-year review of the tariffs imposed on imports of Chinese goods under Section 301 of the Trade Act of 1974 ("Section 30"). As a result of this review, USTR proposed to continue Section 301 duties at the same levels on the vast majority of covered imports from China, and increase the rate of Section 301 duties on certain product categories including electric vehicles, lithium batteries, solar cells, critical minerals, semiconductors, steel and aluminum products, ship-to-shore cranes, and personal protective equipment. The measure imposes tariffs between 25% and 100% of the value of the imported item, applicable to over $18 billion worth of goods.


AmCham South China is pleased to invite you to our first GBA CEO Dialogue Series with the theme of "Navigating Today's Trade Environment - Sino-US Trade Update". Bryan Tang, Partner of Greater China Global Trade Leader of EY China will deliver a keynote speech on this topic and share his deep insight.



华南美国商会诚挚邀请您参加首期大湾区高层对话系列活动,本期对话将围绕"驾驭当今贸易环境——中美贸易政策更新"主题展开研讨。届时,主讲嘉宾安永大中华区国际贸易主管合伙人唐兵先生(Bryan Tang)将带来关于这一主题的演讲,并分享自己的深刻见解。

*AmCham South China reserves the right for final interpretation*



14:15-14:30 Registration & networking 签到及交流

14:30-14:40 Opening remarks by AmCham South China President Dr. Harley Seyedin 华南美国商会会长哈利·赛亚丁博士致开幕词

14:40-16:00 Presentation by Bryan Tang, Partner, Greater China Global Trade Leader, EY China 安永大中华区国际贸易主管合伙人唐兵先生分享

16:00-16:30 Q&A/Discussion 问答/讨论


  • Harley Seyedin (Chairman & President at AmCham South China)

    Harley Seyedin

    Chairman & President at AmCham South China

    Dr. Harley Seyedin is an international businessman, humanitarian, and philanthropist.


    --Dr. Harley Seyedin, together with Elon Musk, Durreen Shahnaz and Murad Al-Katib won the 2017 Oslo Business for Peace Award. The Oslo Business for Peace Prize is awarded by an Award Committee of Nobel Laureates in Peace and Economics. The task of appointing a new member to the Award committee has been given to former Swedish prime minister Göran Persson, former Norwegian prime minister Kjell Magne Bondevik, and the former director of the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO), Kristian Berg Harpviken.
    --Among fewer than 20 individuals to be awarded the “Peace Through Commerce Medal” by the U.S. Government since its inception by Thomas Jefferson in 1790 when he served as the nascent US Secretary of State under President George Washington and the only person in history to have been awarded both the Oslo Business for Peace Award and the Peace Through Commerce Medal.
    --President, Allelon Energy Systems and former President of Sithe Global Pacific (Sithe Global is majority owned by and is the international power arm of the Blackstone Group).
    --Under his direction since 1991, companies led by Harley have achieved firsts in many areas in China, including: the first majority western owned and operated power plant; first western invested toll road; and, first western owned and operated joint US-China university in China offering four year fully US accredited degrees without the need for the students to travel to US.
    --Visiting Professor, Jinan University – one of the oldest universities established on mainland China tracing back to the Qing dynasty (1644–1911).
    --Former Chairman of Montgomery College and State Chairman of the Maryland Association of Community College Trustees representing all seventeen community colleges of higher education in the State with over 35,000 faculty and staff and 100,000 students.
    --Former Member of the Board of Directors of the Kennedy Institute, the largest private Catholic Charity in the United States, by appointment of Cardinal James A. Hickey.
    --Together with Secretary of State of Cambodia, Dr. Heng Sokkung Knighted under the Philippine act of Parliament 646 joining Dr. Henry Kissinger and King Carlos of Spain and others previously knighted.
    --Recognized by President George Herbert Walker Bush for his involvement with the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).
    --Special Advisor to Chairman, President George Herbert Walker Bush Foundation for US-China Relations.
    --President and CEO, the American Chamber of Commerce in South China.

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  • Bryan Tang (Greater China Global Trade Leader, Ernst & Young China)

    Bryan Tang

    Greater China Global Trade Leader, Ernst & Young China


    · Since joining EY in 2002, Bryan has involved in numerous Global Trade projects for multinational clients in China, advising clients on their trade compliance risks and providing strategic and practical recommendations in managing customs controversies and potential resulting financial exposure.

    · Bryan has also been assisting companies to maneuver the issues stemming from the Sino-US Trade Dispute and has been contributing to various thought leadership publications on the increasingly complicated global trade landscape.

    · Bryan’s major experience includes advising clients on various duty-efficient operational structures to streamline their supply chain processes, and helping clients optimize their customs, procurement and logistical functions to improve overall logistics performance.

    · In addition to working with businesses, Bryan has been working closely with the General Administration of Customs as well as Customs in Shanghai, Beijing, Tianjin, Dalian, Shenzhen and Guangzhou etc. to resolve disputes especially in the areas of customs valuation, classification, processing trade, sanction and other global trade/customs matters.

    · Bryan is based in Shanghai and holds a Bachelor Degree of Science from Fudan University, Shanghai and a MBA from Leicester Business School, United Kingdom.

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GBA CEO Dialogue Series/大湾区高层对话系列

GBA CEO Dialogue Series is a series of high-level and exclusive briefing events hosted by AmCham South China on a regular basis. Each series focuses on hot-button topics related to the development of the Greater Bay Area, thus bringing forward-looking and practical discussion. Attendees include members from the GBA·CEO Club and business elites. This program aims to provide participants with a platform for in-depth exchanges and collaboration, to jointly discuss the business development, policy trends and future trends of the GBA, and to stimulate new cooperation opportunities and business models.



About GBA·CEO Club/关于大湾区总裁协会

The GBA·CEO Club is a non-profit organization established in Hong Kong. Its mission is to promote cross-industry exchanges among business leaders in the Greater Bay Area, promote business development and upgrading, promote the development of the GBA, and assist members in seizing opportunities presented by the development of the GBA. Applicants for the GBA·CEO Club must be the Chairman, Executive Director, Director, Chief Executive Officer (CEO), General Manager, or Director of a company in the GBA.

