This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other AmCham South China events.

The Summit of Spanish and Latin American Businesses in the GBA, on June 14th in Guangzhou, is an event organized by The Mindfood Club business hub and the Spanish Chamber of Commerce in South China.

今年6月14日, The Mindfood Club 商业俱乐部和中国西班牙商会华南代表处举办新一届 "2024 年西班牙和拉丁美企业大湾区峰会".

Guests 嘉宾

Like in previous editions, we will have the presence of over 150 Businessmen, CEOs, Executives, Consuls, Chairmen of Chambers, Entrepreneurs and other professionals from China, Spain, Portugal, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Uruguay, Nicaragua, Cuba, Panama, among others, to listen to experienced industry leaders and increase business opportunities. In the past, we had more than 1000 participants, 200 companies and 70 speakers.

如同往届,峰会将聚集150余位来自中国、西班牙、葡萄牙、墨西哥、阿根廷、巴西、哥伦比亚、智利、厄瓜多尔、秘鲁、乌拉圭、尼加拉瓜、古巴、巴拿马等国的商界人士,如:首席执行官、职业经理人、领事、商会主席和企业家,一同分享商业领袖的成功经验,以此促进西班牙、拉丁美地区与中国的商业往来。在过去的活动中,已吸引超过 1,000 名参与者、200 家公司和 70 名演讲者。

Speaker 演讲嘉宾

Agenda 活动议程

Day: June 14th, 2024

Time: 14:00 - 18:00

Place: Grand Hyatt Hotel, Guangzhou


  • 14:30 Opening
  • 14:45 Speeches
  • 15:00 Panel 1
  • 15:50 Coffee break
  • 16:00 Panel 2
  • 17:00 Networking

Language: the panels will be in English

Networking: English, Spanish, Chinese

Dress code: business formal

Format: 100% offline

Investment projects 投资项目

If you have a business investment project from Spain and Latin America with great potential for the Chinese market that needs resources, financing or advisory, can contact our Investors' Club for an initial assessment. Especially from industries such as Technology, Robotics, Electronics, Healthcare, Food-tech, Agri-tech, Logistics, Supply Chain, Sourcing, Education tech, Digital learning, Pharmaceuticals, Renewable energy, F&B, Textile, Manufacturing, Sourcing…


Organizer 主办方

The Mindfood Club is a business hub in South China where CEOs, Executives, Consuls, Chairmen of Chambers, Entrepreneurs and other professionals share personal and professional experiences, increasing cooperation opportunities, commerce, and investment. Member of the AmCham South China, the Spanish Chamber of Commerce in China, and Catedra China Think Tank in Spain.

The Mindfood Club 商业俱乐部是华南地区的一个组织,汇集了首席执行官、高管、总领事、商会会长、企业家和其他专业人士,分享在中国的个人和工作经验,来提高个人发展的机会,增加合作、资源、贸易和投资的机会。我们目前是中国西班牙商会、华南美国商会、中国加利西亚协会、知华讲堂智库等机构会员。