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For pre-registration and additional questions, please contact Tiffany Zhang via e-mail, WeChat or phone at: 


Plainvim International Foshan Nanhai Intelligent Industrial Park


张文倩(Tiffany Zhang)

Tel: 18620856787


佛山市作为推动粤港澳大湾区重要推动城市之一。其中南海区位列中国新型智慧城市(SMILE指数)百强县第一位。是佛山市重要经济发展区域之一。 同时,努力推动佛山实现更高水平的对外开放。为进一步宣传推介佛山的发展优势和投资环境,促进佛山与国内外资源的双向对接。平谦国际一直致力推动地方政府和外商企业的联动,以平谦大平台作为理念,商务与休闲结合。盛大举办平谦嘉年华系列活动-AFL澳式橄榄球中国杯2024及外商投资交流活动。诚挚邀请您拨冗出席本次嘉年华活动,相聚友谊谋发展,携手前行创新篇!

Foshan is one of the important cities promoting the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area. Among them, Nanhai District ranks first among the top 100 counties in China's SMILE index for new smart cities. It is one of the important economic development areas in Foshan City. At the same time, efforts will be made to promote Foshan to achieve a higher level of opening-up to the outside world. To further promote the development advantages and investment environment of Foshan and promote the two-way connection between Foshan and domestic and foreign resources, Plainvim International has long been committed to promoting the linkage between local governments and foreign enterprises, with the Plainvim International platform as the concept, combining business and leisure. A grand Plainvim Carnival series event – "AFL Australian Rugby China Cup 2024" and a foreign investment exchange event will be held in June. We sincerely invite you to attend and work together for innovation and a greater future!

时间:2024年6月29日 09:00-22:00

Time: June 29th 09:00-22:00


Event Venue: Plainvim International Nanhai intelligent Industrial Park/Nanhai District Sports Center


Cost: Free of charge + advanced registration required


Participants: Special invited guests, heads of business associations, heads of overseas chambers of commerce, representatives of foreign enterprises and multinational corporations


  • Free five-star hotel accommodation.
  • 五星级酒店接待。
  • Complimentary food and beverages.
  • 尽享美食佳肴。
  • Exclusive social networking opportunities with expatriates in the South China region.
  • 高质量社交圈层机会。
  • Opportunities to interact with senior leaders from the local government of Nanhai District.
  • 与南海区政府高层领导会见机会。
  • Visits to Nanhai District Foreign High-tech Enterprises and high-end manufacturing industry leaders
  • 参观佛山市南海区高新技术外资企业以及高端制造业
  • Insights into the policies and business environment of the Nanhai district local government.
  • 了解南海区地方的招商引资政策以及营商环境


外资专场活动: 这是一场专门为外资企业定制的投资交流活动,参会嘉宾为各行业的专家和精英人士。

Foreign Investment Special Event: This is a tailored investment communication event. The guests are experts and elites from various industries.

 盛大年度活动: 此次活动是南海区一年一度的重大活动,彰显了佛山市在招商引资方面的重要意义。

Grand Annual Event: This event is a major annual affair for Nanha districti, it highlights the importance of Foshan city in attracting investment.


National Sports Event: This event takes the Nanhai district as the venue and grandly hosts the 2024 AFL Australian Rugby China Cup, reflecting the new smart city of China Foshan Nanhai, combining economic development with leisure and entertainment, and creating a green and relaxed natural environment.


选择行程 1 Schedule 1

10:00-17:00 南海体育中心"AFL 澳式橄榄球 2024中国杯"

10: 00-17:00 Nanhai District Sports Center "AFL Australian Rugby 2024 China Cup"

  • 地点:南海体育中心
  • Location: Nanhai Sports Center

19:00-22:00 颁奖典礼及草地音乐烧烤晚会

19: 00-22:00 Awards Ceremony and Grassland Music Barbecue Evening

  • 地点:平谦国际南海智慧产业园
  • Location: Plainvim International Foshan Nanhai Intelligent Industrial Park

选择行程 2 Choice 2

15:00-17:00 外资制造企业参观及外资企业交流活动

15: 00-17:00 Visit to foreign-funded manufacturing enterprises and exchange activities with foreign-funded enterprises

  • 地点:平谦国际南海智慧产业园
  • Location: Plainvim International Foshan Nanhai Intelligent Industrial Park

19:00-22:00 颁奖典礼及草地音乐烧烤晚会

19: 00-22:00 Awards Ceremony and Grassland Music Barbecue Evening

  • 地点:平谦国际南海智慧产业园
  • Location: Plainvim International Foshan Nanhai Intelligent Industrial Park



Accommodation of the participants will be borne by organizers.



Please wear formal dress for the exchange event on June 29th



His/her retinues are not included in the event's offerings and they will be responsible for making their own arrangement for accommodation.


参会嘉宾请于2024年6月29日(星期六)早上09:00时前往南海体育中心报到 或 下午15:00前往平谦国际南海智慧产业园报到。

All guests are kindly requested to arrive at the Nanhai District Sports Center at 9:00 am on June 29, or at the Plainvim International South Nanhai Intelligent Industrial Park at 3:00 pm.