

Free of Charge (very limited space) 活动免费(坐席有限)

First Come First Served 先到先得

AmCham Member Priority 会员优先

Simultaneous Interpretation Provided 现场提供中英同声传译

Time: 10:00-11:45, Feb 26th, 2021

时间:2021年2月26日 10:00-11:45

Venue:Grand Ballroom, 5/F, THE WESTIN GUANGZHOU

6 Linhe Zhong Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou


● Get the latest information, hot off the press and straight from the mouth of companies operating in the heart of it.


● All attendees at the Release Conference will stand a chance to win the Lucky Draw!


The 2021 Special Report's 148 pages include the result of our annual study of the business climate, in which hundreds of our member companies and others participated. It provides a meaningful context for this year's responses on the business environment and development trends in South China straight from the mouth of companies operating in the heart of it.

The 2021 White Paper's 649 pages represent extensively researched and exhaustively cited intense effort of more than six months and a team of highly accomplished experts from both sides of the Pacific Ocean, including seven who hold doctoral degrees, as well as respected professors, business executives and legal and financial scholars. It does not represent the opinion of our Chamber so much as the condensed—distilled—opinion of a diverse cross section of interested parties. Both domestic and international media are represented, as are academics and statisticians from around the world.

It involves analysis of over 100 industries and the impact of regulatory changes and COVID-19 on each. Plus analysis of the trade issues, China's 14th five year plan, Biden administration plans, and many other hot topics.

Join officials of foreign consulates in South China, Chinese officials, academic elites, media, and representatives of multinational companies, and register now!

148页的《 2021特别经济报告》包括我们对营商环境的年度调查研究结果,数百家会员企业以及其他企业参与了该调查,这些核心企业对本年度华南地区的营商环境和发展趋势的调查反馈为我们的报告提供了有意义的背景。

长达649页《 2021经济白皮书》撰写共耗时六个多月,并由来自太平洋两岸的杰出专家组完成,其中包括七位拥有博士学位的专家以及受人尊敬的教授,企业高管以及法律和金融学者。与其说这本"白皮书"代表了华南美国商会的观点,不如说它浓缩了众多利益群体的意见并加以提炼。



Agenda 日程

10:00 - 10:30

Registration & Networking签到及交流

10:30 - 10:35

MC Introduces VIP guests嘉宾介绍

10:35 - 10:40

Opening Speech开幕致辞

10:40 - 11:25

White Paper and Special Report Full Presentation by AmCham President Dr. Harley Seyedin华南美国商会哈利会长做《2021年中国经济环境白皮书》及《华南地区经济情况特别报告》发布

11:25 - 11:40

Q & A问答环节

11:40 - 11:45

Lucky Draw抽奖环节

11:45 - 11:50

Closing 闭幕


10:00 - 11:45 GMT+8




  • 哈利赛亚丁 (与埃隆·马斯克先生一同获得2017年奥斯陆促商业和平奖,由诺贝尔和平奖及经济奖评审委员会授予; 总裁, 阿来龙能源;会长,华南美国商会)


    与埃隆·马斯克先生一同获得2017年奥斯陆促商业和平奖,由诺贝尔和平奖及经济奖评审委员会授予; 总裁, 阿来龙能源;会长,华南美国商会
