

海外各地风险情况复杂多变,这些差旅或外派员工在海外工作期间的安全问题成为了企业特别需要关注的问题。特别是当雇员在一些医疗资源欠发达地区发生重大意外事故或确诊新冠重症而当地医疗医院又不足以应对之时,企业如何提供及时的救助以确保员工的生命安全?另一方面,随着新冠疫情的常态化,一旦员工在海外差旅期间被确诊隔离,如何帮助员工应对在隔离期间的心理压力? 企业如何介入防止群体性恐慌的蔓延?这一系列非传统风险皆需良好的风险管理策略。安联集团作为全球最大的保险集团之一,凭借其全球网络服务能力,为企业员工的海外风险提供整体性风险管理方案。

As China accelerate its internationalization and the progress of "Belt and Road" project, the overseas business trip or dispatch of employees are becoming popular, more and more enterprises send employees to overseas to promote business. However, the overseas risk is complex, the safety of these business travel employees has become a concern for the enterprises. Especially when employees are severely injured or confirmed Covid-19 in the countries with underdeveloped medical resources, how can enterprises provide timely assistance to ensure the safety of employees? Besides, with the normalization of COVID-19, how to help employees deal with psychological stress during the quarantine period? How to avoid group panic? This series of non-traditional risks need appropriate risk managing strategies.


Topics to be covered:

- 海外疫情形势展望及各区域风险探讨;

Outlook of overseas COVID-19 and regional risk analysis

- 疫情影响下如何保证外派员工的心理健康 – 案例分享;

How to ensure the mental health of Chinese Expatriates in overseas office – Case Sharing

- 疫情影响下如何处理外派员工的突发事故;

How to deal with the accidents in overseas office

- 如何科学管理海外风险

Recommendation from Allianz on overseas risk management

活动议程 Agenda:

  • 华南美国商会代表致欢迎辞 Welcome speech by AmCham Representative
  • 安联世合及京东安联演讲嘉宾主题分享 Presentations by Allianz Partners and JD Allianz
  • 茶歇 (配点心)Coffee break
  • 互动交流 Networking


  • Danna Wang王丹 (Allianz Partners安联世合 CSO首席市场官)

    Danna Wang王丹

    Allianz Partners安联世合CSO首席市场官

    Danna is CSO in Allianz Partners, which is the top global assistance company in the world. She serves various global companies in the global assistance area, including the biggest Chinese communication technology company who has presence in more than 100 countries.
    She has been in the Risk Management and insurance industry for more than twenty years, garnering experience in the different roles, such as managing director/ branch manager in different global companies.
    She holds a Master Degree in Massey University NZ and ANZIIF certificate.


  • Cheng Rui程蕊 (Allianz Partners安联世合 Operation Director服务运营总监)

    Cheng Rui程蕊

    Allianz Partners安联世合Operation Director服务运营总监

    Ms. Cheng Rui is currently the operation director of Allianz world medical rescue service, responsible for the overall rescue operation service coordination.

    Ms. Cheng Rui has more than 20 years of experience in the field of global rescue and holds a master of Business Administration degree from the University of Newcastle, Australia. In her career, she has handled tens of thousands of global rescue cases, including major rescue during the tsunami in Southeast Asia, SARS and the current new Covid pandemic.


  • Raymond Wu巫雨农 (JD Allianz京东安联财产保险公司 Underwriting Manager核保经理)

    Raymond Wu巫雨农

    JD Allianz京东安联财产保险公司Underwriting Manager核保经理

    Raymond is the underwriting manager in Allianz JD, responsible for risk assessment and product development etc. He is experienced in providing insurance solutions for Chinese companies’ overseas risk and has served series of state-owned and large private company.

    He has been in insurance industry for more than 10 years and garnering experience from different global company. He graduated from Sun Yat-sen University with major in Risk Management & Insurance and also holds a Master Degree of MBA in Sun Yat-sen.

