
2023年5月19日(星期五)下午14:00-16:30,北大光华-Kellogg国际EMBA项目将在广州举办公开课暨项目宣讲会,特别邀请到北京大学光华管理学院副院长、EMBA中心主任马力教授为大家带来主题公开课,为您还原一场经典的北大国际EMBA课堂体验。届时,马力教授也将全面介绍北大光华-Kellogg国际EMBA项目特色。项目校友、哥伦比亚中国投资贸易商会名誉代表、哥伦比亚Prime Flowers执行董事Jairo Jimenez,以及项目学员、Best Buy企业社会责任副总监倪阿丽,都将在现场从亲历者的角度分享他们在项目中的所学所获。此外,我们也非常荣幸地邀请到华南美商会会长哈利博士亲临现场致词。活动设有互动交流环节,诚挚欢迎各位报名参加!

The Guanghua-Kellogg EMBA program invite you to attend a sample class & info session on May 19, 2023 in Guangzhou. On this event, we are honored to welcome Professor Li MA, the Associate Dean and Director of EMBA programs at Guanghua School of Management, Peking University, to share his insights on the topic "Managing Foreign Firms: Whose way?". He will also share with you the program's structure and its expansive networking opportunities. Following the speech, a GK alumnus Jairo Jimenez, the Honorary Representative of Colombian Chinese Investment and Commerce Chamber and Managing Director at Prime Flowers and a current GK student Shirley NI, the Associate Director of Corporate Responsibility & Sustainability and Social Impact at Best Buy, will also be joining us to share their first-hand learning experiences. On this occasion, the president of AmCham-South China, Dr. Harley Seyedin, will join the event as a special guest as well. All participants will have the opportunity to directly interact with our speakers and admissions team. We all look forward to seeing you!


Due to the limited number of seats, successful registration is subject to confirmation by Email.


Harley Seyedin

President, AmCham South China


马力 教授 Professor Li MA

北京大学光华管理学院副院长、EMBA中心主任 组织与战略管理系教授 Associate Dean、Director of EMBA Programs Professor of Organization and Strategy Management Guanghua School of Management


倪阿丽 Shirley NI

GK08, Class of 2023 百思买企业社会责任副总监 Associate Director of Corporate Responsibility & Sustainability and Social Impact Best Buy

Jairo Jimenez

GK04, Class of 2019 哥伦比亚中国投资贸易商会名誉代表 哥伦比亚Prime Flowers公司执行董事 Honorary Representative - Colombian Chinese Investment and Commerce Chamber Managing Director - Prime Flowers



中国广东省广州天河区珠江新城珠江西路 12 号。邮编: 510623



