Individual Ticket Solo for AmCham member 美商会会员个人门票 980 RMB

Including one entrace ticket:
- Free flow of cocktail reception before the banquet
- One seat at the Solo Area for the full-course western banquet (first come first served,seating assigned as available and not refundable)
- Lucky draw

- 晚宴前鸡尾酒会
- 西式圆桌晚宴座席一位于Solo区域(位置有限,视付款顺序先到先得,不设退票)
- 现场抽奖

Individual Ticket
  • Standard PriceRMB 980

Individual Ticket Jazz AmCham member 美商会会员个人门票 1380 RMB

Including one entrace ticket:
- Free flow of cocktail reception before the banquet
- One seat at the Jazz area for the full-course western banquet (first come first served,seating assigned as available and not refundable)
- Lucky draw

- 晚宴前鸡尾酒会
- 西式圆桌晚宴座席一位于Jazz区域(位置有限,视付款顺序先到先得,不设退票)
- 现场抽奖

Individual Ticket
  • Standard PriceRMB 1,380

Experience Ticket for Non-member 非会员体验票价 2,680 RMB

Including one entrace ticket:
- Free flow of cocktail reception before the banquet
- One seat at the Solo Area for the full-course western banquet (first come first served,seating assigned as available and not refundable)
- Lucky draw

- 晚宴前鸡尾酒会
- 西式圆桌晚宴座席一位于Solo区域(位置有限,视付款顺序先到先得,不设退票)
- 现场抽奖

Individual Ticket
  • Standard PriceRMB 2,680