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RMB5,588 -FOURSOME SINGLE ENTRY (F&B included) TICKET 四人组队单次门票(含餐饮)

Include 包含:

Foursome one time attendance right, F&B included. 四人组队人单次入场券,含餐饮。

Cancel and refund policy: cancelation is acceptable 72 hours prior to the game date with full refund; only transfer of ticket is acceptable when cancelation happens within 72 hours before the game date.

  • Standard PricePrice:RMB 5,588
Buy Ticket

RMB 1,480 – AmCham Member One Person ENTRY (F&B included) -美商会会员单人单次门票(含餐饮)

Include 包含:

One time attendance right, F&B included. 单人单次入场券,含饮品与餐饮。

Cancel and refund policy: cancelation is acceptable 72 hours prior to the game date with full refund; only transfer of ticket is acceptable when cancelation happens within 72 hours before the game date.

  • Standard PricePrice:RMB 1,480
Buy Ticket

RMB 890 Harbour Plaza member One Person ENTRY(F&B included) 东莞海逸球会会员单人单次门票(含餐饮)

Include 包含:
One time attendance right, F&B invcluded.


Cancel and refund policy: cancelation is acceptable 72 hours prior to the game date with full refund; only transfer of ticket is acceptable when cancelation happens within 72 hours before the game date.

  • Standard PricePrice:RMB 890
Buy Ticket

RMB1,680-Member’s Guest: One Person ENTRY (F&B included) 嘉宾(非会员)单人单次门票(含餐饮)

Include 包含:
One time attendance right, F&B included.

Cancel and refund policy: cancelation is acceptable 72 hours prior to the game date with full refund; only transfer of ticket is acceptable when cancelation happens within 72 hours before the game date.

  • Standard PricePrice:RMB 1,680
Buy Ticket

RMB188- BBQ Lunch Only Ticket AmCham/HP Member 仅参加 BBQ午宴会员价

BBQ Lunch Only Ticket for AmCham/HP Member

  • Standard PricePrice:RMB 188
Buy Ticket

RMB 388- BBQ Lunch Only Ticket for Member's Guest 仅参加BBQ午宴嘉宾价

BBQ Lunch Only Ticket for AmCham/HP Member's Guest(Non-member)
BBQ午宴单人单次入场票 嘉宾(非会员)

  • Standard PricePrice:RMB 388
Buy Ticket