Harley Seyedin (President, AmCham South China)

Harley Seyedin

President, AmCham South China

Dr. Harley Seyedin is an international businessman, humanitarian, philanthropist and world-renowned China expert.
--Dr. Harley Seyedin, together with Elon Musk, Durreen Shahnaz and Murad Al-Katib won the 2017 Oslo Business for Peace Award, awarded by a Committee of Nobel Laureates in Peace and Economics.
--Among few individuals to be awarded the “Peace Through Commerce Medal” by the U.S. Government since its inception by Thomas Jefferson in 1790 when he served as the nascent US Secretary of State under President George Washington and the only person in history to have been awarded both the Oslo Business for Peace Award and the Peace Through Commerce Medal.
--President, Allelon Energy Systems and former President of Sithe Global Pacific (Sithe Global is majority owned by and is the international power arm of the Blackstone Group).
--Under his direction since 1991, companies led by Harley have achieved firsts in many areas in China, including: the first majority western owned and operated power plant; first western invested toll road; and, first western owned and operated joint US-China university in China offering four year fully US accredited degrees without the need for the students to travel to US.
--Visiting Scholar, Jinan University – one of the oldest universities established on mainland China tracing back to the Qing dynasty (1644–1911).
--Former Chairman of Montgomery College and State Chairman of the Maryland Association of Community College Trustees representing all seventeen colleges in the State with over 35,000 faculty and staff and 100,000 students.
--Former Member of the Board of Directors of the Kennedy Institute, the largest private Catholic Charity in the United States, by appointment of Cardinal James A. Hickey.
--Together with Secretary of State of Cambodia, Dr. Heng Sokkung Knighted under the Philippine act of Parliament 646 joining Dr. Henry Kissinger and King Carlos of Spain and others previously knighted.
--Together with the Philippines Secretary of Health, Dr. Francisco T. Duque, III, became a Sino-Philippine Asia International Peace Laureate for “his dynamic contributions to humanity”.
--Recognized by President George Herbert Walker Bush for his involvement with the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).
--Special Advisor to Chairman, President George Herbert Walker Bush Foundation for US-China Relations.
--President and CEO, the American Chamber of Commerce in South China.

马力 教授 Professor Li MA (北京大学光华管理学院副院长、EMBA中心主任 组织与战略管理系教授 Associate Dean、Director of EMBA Programs Professor of Organization and Strategy Management Guanghua School of Management)

马力 教授 Professor Li MA

北京大学光华管理学院副院长、EMBA中心主任 组织与战略管理系教授 Associate Dean、Director of EMBA Programs Professor of Organization and Strategy Management Guanghua School of Management


Prof. Li MA is the Associate Dean and Director of EMBA Center at Guanghua School of Management, Peking University. He obtained his Ph.D. in Business Administration from Washington University in St. Louis and received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Tsinghua University. Prof. Ma is specialized in negotiation, conflict management, and participative management, especially in the international contexts.

倪阿丽 Shirley NI (GK08, Class of 2023 百思买企业社会责任副总监 Associate Director of Corporate Responsibility & Sustainability and Social Impact Best Buy)

倪阿丽 Shirley NI

GK08, Class of 2023 百思买企业社会责任副总监 Associate Director of Corporate Responsibility & Sustainability and Social Impact Best Buy
Jairo Jimenez (GK04, Class of 2019 哥伦比亚中国投资贸易商会名誉代表 哥伦比亚Prime Flowers公司执行董事 Honorary Representative - Colombian Chinese Investment and Commerce Chamber Managing Director - Prime Flowers)

Jairo Jimenez

GK04, Class of 2019 哥伦比亚中国投资贸易商会名誉代表 哥伦比亚Prime Flowers公司执行董事 Honorary Representative - Colombian Chinese Investment and Commerce Chamber Managing Director - Prime Flowers